
Merger Demerger, Transfer and Legal Form Change Consultancy

Merger Demerger, Transfer and Legal Form Change Consultancy

In this rapidly changing business world, and in the race to stand out in this highly competitive environment, company mergers, demergers and changes in legal form have become essential elements of business life. Achieving the set target in capital company mergers, full and partial demergers and changes in legal form depends mainly on how the project is carried out.

How Can Consulta Help You?

Consulta offers a wide range of services, extending from demerger and transfer transactions to target achievement, efficiency increase, capital generation and valuation, and due diligence, with a Corporate Financing Services Department that combines 33 years of work experience and a deep professional knowledge. Consulta, in providing consultancy services for full or partial demergers, as well as changes in legal form, offers strategic opinions related to portfolio values and options, and helps companies to grow through corporate financial operations. Consulta deals with end-to-end procedures related to Internal Document Organization, Litigation, Contract Regulation and Registration, and can assist in the handling of financial, legal and taxation issues as a whole, in achieving and maintaining forecasted values, and in keeping revenues at a maximum and losses at a minimum. Mergers, transfers, demergers and changes in legal form are becoming increasingly more important in Turkey, and we are able to carry out all of the tax-related dimensions of such transactions. The level of tax planning in mergers, transfers and demergers can mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful transaction; while effective planning and structuring will help you to maintain a successful organization and business partnership. Consulta, which has provided operation, documentation and consultation services related to a significant number of merger, transfer, demerger and legal form change transactions in Turkey, has proven its capabilities in the services provided to incredibly meticulous investors, strategic company buyers and foreign investors, based on its domestic experience. We provide the following trust factors based on our experience in providing our services to financial and strategic buyers during, after and in the integration phase of all types of acquisition, transfer, financial structuring and sales transactions: Our experience in company mergers brings added value to every phase of our business partnership, regardless of its scope or complexity. We offer an interactive approach that will protect and maximize the value of your investment in the long term, and maintain an open communication level, allowing the removal of repetitive tasks. The services we provide in mergers, transfers and demergers of companies are as follows: Tax-Related Risk Identification and Report Tax Consultancy during Company Structuring (Merging) Tax Incentives during Company Transfers Tax Consultancy during Company Demergers Tax Consultancy during Acquisitions Reports and Consultancy related to the Restructuring of Group Companies

Our solution partners

 The European House - Ambrosetti
 Software AG
 Centric Software
 Bilge Adam